One example Dear Miss/Mr., Good day. We have the honor to read the project of CMDFALL and are full of interest in the dataset. We extremely hope to be able to compare our new algorithm with oth...
Enable Google Page Views
This post is to enable Page Views on the Chirpy theme based blog that you just built. This requires technical knowledge and it’s recommended to keep the google_analytics.pv.* empty unless you have ...
Ubuntu下nvidia driver和cuda版本管理
动机 记录下在Ubuntu 18.04下nvidia driver 455.45与cuda 10.1的安装过程。备后续重复安装时直接参照。 版本对应关系 cuda与nvidia driver 可以看到,Driver对于CDUA版本是向下兼容的。表格内容可能过时,可以点击nvidia官网链接查看最新更新。 cuda与pytorch 较老版本的Pytorch:参见本页 最新版Pytorc...
VS code使用
VS code Remote ssh配置 这是官方介绍文档。但感觉讲得太过简略,跟着做的话便是一头雾水。网上有不少配置的经验,我按照这个进行配置,最终成功了。将具体步骤记录下来,以备日后参照。 配置私钥 在本地C:\Users\用户名\.ssh目录下,用ssh-keygen命令生成密钥。 将本地生成的id_rsa.pub文件上传到远程主目录的~/.ssh/文件夹...
安装与配置Anaconda 安装Anaconda 参考 下载.sh安装文件:清华镜像源 运行.sh文件安装 sh ./Anaconda<_version_> 安装过程会询问安装位置。建议安装位置尽量不要放在默认的主目录,而是放在一个空间更加宽裕的其他地方。否则...
动机 之前对g++/gcc编译过程和编译选项只有浅显了解,因为项目需要,将其学习一下。以下是学习笔记。 g++和gcc GNU Compiler Collection即GUN 编译器集合,它可以编译C、C++、JAV、Fortran、Pascal、Object-C、Ada等语言。gcc是GCC中的GUN C Compiler(C 编译器);g++是GCC中的GUN C++ Compil...
本文是一些自己学习makefile时的笔记。以下内容主要摘取自陈皓编写的跟我一起写Makefile,这是一个很好的学习资料。 makefile介绍 参考 makefile的核心规则 target : prerequisites command target是目标文件,prerequisites是生成target的依赖文件。当target不存在,或prerequisites...
Customize the Favicon
The favicons of Chirpy are placed in the directory assets/img/favicons/. You may want to replace them with your own. The following sections will guide you to create and replace the default favicons...
Writing a New Post
This post will guide you how to write a post on Chirpy theme. Even if you have previous experience with Jekyll, this article is worth reading, because many features require specific variables to be...
Text and Typography
This post is to show Markdown syntax rendering on Chirpy, you can also use it as an example of writing. Now, let’s start looking at text and typography. Titles H1 - heading H2 - heading H3 - h...